is the new black

is the new black

Our comprehensive transaction monitoring solution leverages advanced technologies, we detect and prevent fraud to maintain compliance with regulatory standards.

Benefits of our solution

Adhere to regulatory compliance

Maintain regulatory standards by effectively detecting and preventing fraudulent activities.

Protect your revenue

Reduce costs, and resource expenditure, by preventing false positives and focusing on genuine threats.

Enhanced security

Protect your financial systems with robust monitoring, and advanced fraud detection technologies.

Adaptive threat response

Stay ahead of evolving fraud tactics, with continuous improvements in detection, and prevention precision.

Our safeguarding recipe

Fraud and money laundering detection

Use cutting-edge technologies to flag and block suspicious transactions or users, ensuring your business stays compliant with regulatory standards.

Machine learning algorithms

Analyse transactions through advanced machine learning algorithms, for enhanced illicit behavior detection, minimising false positives, and ensuring legitimate transactions are not unnecessarily flagged.

Intelligent risk scoring

Apply intelligent risk scoring on customer profiles and transactions to gain a deeper understanding of user behavior, consistently improving detection precision, and adapting to emerging threats.

Start your payment orchestration journey with Paytently

Complete integration in days. Experience unparalleled success rates in markets across the world.